Useful information about IQOS

IQOS Dubai tobacco heating system is a proprietary development of Philip Morris. This system to this day remains the most popular and demanded on the market, despite the fact that more and more competitors appear on the market.

IQOS device

IQOS is a tobacco heating system that works with tobacco sticks. A tobacco stick is a type of cigarette with improved filtration. The sticks are filled with a tobacco mixture soaked in an aqueous solution of food grade glycerin. A characteristic difference from ordinary smoking is that there is no open flame and the tobacco is only heated to a temperature of 350 ℃.

Of course, smoking remains smoking, but it is less harmful, since nicotine is supplied to the respiratory system together with steam, and not with smoke. The tobacco heating technology developed by Philip Morris has been duplicated by other companies many times. But to this day it remains original, since the tobacco is heated not along the outer perimeter, but from the inside.

IQOS Heets does not have the effect of secondhand smoke. The aerosol released during the evaporation of the sticks practically does not harm people who are in the same room with a smoker. The device can be used in almost any room, car or public place. Ashes, smoke and unpleasant odors are completely absent, so IQOS can freely float in your workplace, cafe or restaurant.

You can still smoke regular cigarettes, which are getting more expensive every year without getting any better. Meanwhile, numerous studies confirm that the only harm to the body from tobacco when using IQOS is the effect of nicotine. Resins and other decay products that are released during the combustion of tobacco and paper do not enter the smoker's body at all. Isn't that a reason enough to go out and buy IQOS?

IQOS complex

Smoking IQOS Heets Sticks

IQOS is a structurally complex device consisting of 3 elements:

-        A charger is required to charge the holder after each use.

-        The holder - in fact, this is the smoking device in which the heating element is located and where the sticks are inserted.

-        Heated tobacco sticks are structurally complex products containing a certain amount of compressed tobacco dust and a filter.

Along with the traditional IQOS, the IQOS 3 MULTI model appeared on the market, where the holder and the charger are a single whole. But, oddly enough, the system with separate components has traditionally been more popular.

IQOS advantages

Smoking set IQOS Dubai

IQOS does not have the effect of secondhand smoke. The aerosol released during the evaporation of the sticks practically does not harm people who are in the same room with a smoker. The device can be used in almost any room, car or public place. Ashes, smoke and unpleasant odors are completely absent, so IQOS can freely float in your workplace, cafe or restaurant.

You can still smoke regular cigarettes, which are getting more expensive every year without getting any better. Meanwhile, numerous studies confirm that the only harm to the body from tobacco when using IQOS is the effect of nicotine. Resins and other decay products that are released during the combustion of tobacco and paper do not enter the smoker's body at all. Isn't that a reason enough to go out and buy IQOS?